Special Needs Playground

The Playground will open on 29th April though very wet at present. Work has recently been completed on fencing the area outside the Playground in order to provide a safe area for children entering and exiting vehicles and to provide a degree of privacy. 


Car Park Area - 1
Our playground at Kingston Seymour is much used by the local families who have children with special needs and by organisations for those who support them. Its facilities include specially designed playground equipment that allows a carer to accompany a child on a swing or down a slide and a wheelchair swing where the child and their wheelchair can be accommodated. It also has a sandpit, rocking toys, a play house, tubular bells and plenty of room to run around and let off steam in a secure and safe environment. A waterfall and a movement sensitive water feature make a calming corner of the garden. There are picnic tables and a rain shelter and lots of bikes, tricycles and tractors have been donated by local people to add to the fun.

Email playground@yeovalleylions.org.uk for further details

The playground is maintained by members of Yeo Valley Lions Club and small teams arrange daily visits to ensure the facility is kept tidy and any problems dealt with. We know that this facility is greatly valued by those who use it. We have a Visitors Book so that families can leave comments. We are grateful for, and encouraged by, the very positive comments made by those using the Playground and a selection of these is reproduced below.

"Lovely good day, very clean and safe – so good to be back" Thanks to you all!! 

"First time, what an amazing place. Thank you so much for creating it" 

"Absolutely fabulous, the boys had so much fun, first time I've ever been able to go to a playground with the boys on my own" 

"Lovely to be able to come and use the park again" 

"First visit, lovely to be able to visit a park which feels safe and not overwhelming for our son. Thank you (slide was a hit!)" 

"Our second time visiting and another lovely couple of hours. The kids were relaxed, I was relaxed. Such a wonderful place. Very thankful." 

"1 st time back since covid, fab to be back. Lovely that more things open up every time more happy time for kids. Thanks" 

"Amazing park so happy to see R peddle for the first time it brought tears to my eyes" 

"Z had so much fun. First time she rode the 3 wheeler. Love every minute. Can't wait to come again. Thank you" 

"Perfect place to take the grandchildren."

If you know of a child with special needs who could benefit from joining the playground then Email playground@yeovalleylions.org.uk

The Playground is free to use for any family that is registered with us. There is just a one off, £2.50 admin fee to initially register. 

Business Meetings
Second Tuesday Each Month @ 8pm
Yatton Village Hall

Charity Number - 280660

0345 833 9602
